Upcoming Conferences

Mathematical Psychology 2015 (Irvine, CA) Midwestern Psychological Association 2015 Talk: Vigo, R. Towards a systematic mathematical science of cognition: some challenges, candidate mathematical laws, and prospects for unification.
Mathematical Psychology 2016 (Brunswick, NJ)
Midwestern Cognitive Science 2017 (Miami University, Oxford OH) Talk:  Doan, C.A., Vigo, R., Zhao, L. An investigation on the relationship between supervised and unsupervised learning behavior Talk:  Vigo, R., Doan C.A., Doan, K.M., Zhao, L. & Carlitz, A. Some new perspectives on the integral dimensions concept learning difficulty ordering
Midwestern Cogntiive Science 2018 (Indiana University Bloomignton, Bloomington, IN)

Key Articles

Recent Conferences

Midwestern Cognitive Science 2014 (Wright State University, Dayton OH) Midwestern Cognitive Science 2013 (The Ohio State University, Columbus OH) Behavior 2013 (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England)
Acoustical Society of America 2012 (The Hyatt Regency, Kansas City MO) Talk:  Vigo, R., Zhang, Y., & Barcus, K.M. What is a good musical pattern? On acoustic structure and good musical pattern. Mathematical Psyhology 2012 (The Ohio State University, Columbus OH) Talk:  Barcus, K.M., Vigo, R., & Zhang, Y. Auditory Goodness of Pattern Judgments. Talk:  Doan, C., Vigo, R, & Zhao, J. On the Structural Equilibrium of Choice Sets. Talk:  Vigo, R., Basawaraj, B., & Gould, M. How Informative are Concept Cues? Predicting Informativeness Judgments. Poster:  Vigo, R., Zeigler, D., & Halsey, P.A. Gaze and Information Processing During Category Learning: Evidence for an Inverse Law. Poster:  Vigo, R., & Basawaraj, B. Structural Manifold Analysis: A New Nonparametric Framework for Continuous and Dichotomous Multivariate Data Analysis. Midwestern Cognitive Science 2012 (Indiana University, Bloomington IN) Talk:  Halsey, P.A., Zeigler, D., & Vigo, R. The Ordering Underneath the Ordering: An Investigation of the Learning Rates of Concept Structures. Talk:  Vigo, R., Doan, C., & Zhao, J. The Structure of Choice. Poster:  Zhang, Y., Vigo, R., & Barcus, K.M. Why Bach is Greater Than The Beatles. CogSci 2011 (Boston, MA) Mathematical Psychology 2010 (Portland, OR)
 Article in Cognition (OCT, 2013)
(GIST: Generalized Invariance Structure Theory)
In the   News
Article in Information Sciences (NOV, 2011) Representational Information: A New General Notion and Measure of Information
Updated November 2017